VariSaturator is an audio effect plug-in designed to apply saturation effects
over audio material. VariSaturator can be used both to boost the loudness of
the audio tracks without increasing their peak levels proportionally, and to
apply subtle harmonic coloration that makes tracks sound more pronounced and
VariSaturator features two saturation modules which are applied in sequence,
in two-band mode each. The valve saturation module applies asymmetric valve
processing that closely resembles sound of valve amplifier cascade, and being
a digital emulation, it applies its best sonic features without side artifacts
like noise, strong phase shift and high frequency roll-off. Another
saturation module VariSaturator features is a digital .waveshaping. saturator
with feedback topology. This module applies smooth two-band saturation which
can amplify signal level and apply desirable harmonic coloration.
VariSaturator can be used in a variety of audio processing cases: you may
apply it with good results over drum, bass and vocal tracks, over sub-mixes
and of course over complete mixes. Since VariSaturator does not provide a
brick-wall limiting performance, when applied over full mixes, it is best used
for the final loudness boost inserted before the finishing brick-wall limiter.
Note, though, that since VariSaturator applies distortion, it may damage
original sonic qualities of the audio material if used incautiously. For
initial evaluation of VariSaturator.s sonic performance you can use the
factory presets VariSaturator comes with.
Two-band processing
Valve and digital saturation
Multi-channel processing
Internal channel routing
Channel grouping
Mid/side processing
64-bit floating point processing
Preset manager
Undo/redo history
A/B comparisons
Contextual hint messages
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