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ThaLoops Urban Viola SF2 KONTAKT €10 buy download

Urban Viola - virtual instrument of acoustic viola provided in Kontakt, Soundfont and ThaLoops Player ® formats. Valuable addition to every serious music producer’s library. The viola was sampled in a high-class studio using a pair of Neumann U-87, Brauner Valvet and Schoeps CMC641 mics ran through a-class preamps. The instrument is built with 851 24bit samples of various acoustic viola articulations covering 5 velocity layers per note and real trigger release sounds.

We have recorded a professional violist in a perfect environment of sonically favourable studio. Years of experience playing in the symphony orchestra are represented in beautifully recorded viola samples. ThaLoops Viola will always sound great in your productions, recommended both for accompaniment and solo purposes.

3 1/2 octaves are mapped across keyboard range beginning at C0 and up for Detache, Staccato, Pizzicato and Trills presets. Legato and solo switch button is provided in Kontakt sampler’s interface, the switch is also available by using midi key C4. Ascending and descending glissandos were recorded covering each viola’s string (A,C,D and G) starting with the first position and continuing up semitone by semitone. For experiment’s sake multi-presets including all glissando samples (ascending/descending) are also provided - listen to the demo beat 2 at 0:36 min. for glissando preset usage example.

Download File Size:832.62 MB

ThaLoops Urban Viola SF2 KONTAKT
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