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EMWorks EMS 2017 SP1.4 x64 €30 buy download


ElectroMagneticWorks, Inc. has released an updated (SP1.4) EMWorks EMS 2017. This is a major new release of the software that incorporates several new features at the meshing and pre-processing, solving and post-processing levels.

EMS 2017 Release:

- High order elements support for Magnetostatic and AC Magnetic analysis ( High Accuracy study option)
- New AC electric analysis type.
- New Thermal Stress Structural coupling.
- Enhancements to motion coupling simulation:
. Allow using Force/Torque and Motor in the same Solidworks Motion Analysis study coupled to EMS
. Initial velocity motion coupled simulation
. Gravity and Spring driven motion coupled simulation
- Enhancements to transient thermal coupling simulation.
. Improved Steady-state thermal (previous versions)
. Transient thermal (time dependant - NEW)
- Enhancements to Parametric Analysis.
. Parameterize other EMS variables like AC magnetic frequency, Coils
. Importing parameters from a file.
. Thermal coupled parametric analysis
- New and faster Multi-core solvers.
- Auto compute dielectric breakdown.
- Added Temperature Dependant BH for Magnetostatic and AC Magnetic analysis
- Added continue run option for coupled thermal, parametric or transient analysis without losing existing results
- Results probing using an imported mesh file.
Viewing Results
- Viewing partial results during motion and parametric solving
- New 3D safety factor plot type for dielectric breakdown whenever user has electric field plot type.
- New 3D Field operations plot folder for magnetostatic analysis.
- 3D Plot: Animate section vs. position or orientation (move the section plane)
- 3D Plot: Animate Iso clip plot vs. iso values
- 3D Plot:Transparent model and vector overlay
- 3D Plot: Plot mesh,Iso line and vectors using single color
- 3D Plot: Vector plot on surface, use constant vector size
- 3D Plot: Create in one operation a 3D plot for each time step, selected time steps or all scenarios.
- 3D Plot: Export Motion, transient or parametric plot results to excel sheet (All time steps or all scenarios)
- Magnetostatic Analysis type: Computing flux on selected faces
- Electrostatic Analysis type: Computing Total charge or Charge density on volume or surface.
- Convert coil type from Wound to solid or vice versa
- Enable user to flip coil entry/exit port when same face is selected.
- Convert Force/Torque type from virtual to lorentz and vice versa
- Added new materials property called "Dielectric Strength"
- Enhancements to EMS Options and User interface operations
- New easy-to-use Results table windows

About EMWorks EMS. EMS is a magnetic and electric field modeling and simulation software. It is a versatile electromagnetic design tool as it calculates the magnetic and electric field and flux, electric potential, voltage, current, magnetic force, electric force, torque, eddy current and losses, resistance, inductance, capacitance, skin effect, proximity effect, and electromagnetic induction. The applications include transformers, motion industries, electric motor, eddy current, sensors, NDT, NDE, electrical machines, insulator, high voltage, magnets, biomedical, and induction heating. It offers the state-of-the-art accuracy and power of the finite element method and meshing technology. Whether your preferred CAD is SOLIDWORKS, Autodesk Inventor, or SpaceClaim, EMS is your indispensable electromagnetic companion. In addition, EMS is Gold Certified by SOLIDWORKS Corporation. EMS solves the basic Maxwell’s equations directly. Consequently, it can readily be used as a transformer design software, an electric motor design software, a parasitic RLC extractor, a NDT simulation software, a high voltage and high-power simulation software, and more. This versatility is further explained below.

About ElectroMagneticWorks, Inc. ElectroMagneticWorks Inc. (EMW) is a electronic design automation (EDA) company. EMW focuses on the development, marketing and support of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) and Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools based on electromagnetic principles and phenomena. With products covering frequencies ranging from DC to millimeter waves, EMW aims to meet the needs of its clients with the highest quality products.

EMW has a long track record of successful collaboration with SolidWorks Corporation and its analysis division COSMOSM. Today, EMW is the only company offering a complete electromagnetic analysis software suite that is fully embedded in SolidWorks. EMW's products meet SolidWorks's highest quality standards and are certified Gold products by SolidWorks.

Product: EMWorks EMS
Version: 2017 SP1.4
Supported Architectures: x64
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: The same OS for the version of software that you are using.
Software Prerequisites: DS SolidWorks 2011-2018


Download File Size:558.42 MB

EMWorks EMS 2017 SP1.4 x64
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