Ucando TV Series Educational Video Tapes. Computer animated videos that teach the
fundamentals of TV reception.
Ucando VT404 TV Part 1 Intro to TV:
TV Part 1 will take you step by step through the block diagram of a typical TV receiver.
TV part 1 begins by providing you with an overall view of the operating fundamentals
involved in virtually all television receivers. You will follow the received signal
through the entire television system. VT404 is an imptant first step in learning to
become a top TV repair person. 56 Min.
Ucando VT405 TV Part 2 The Front End:
This training video takes an in-depth look at the front end of today?s modern col
television receiver. You will examine the circuitry used in the UHF VHF and AFT
(Automatic Fine Tuning) stages of the typical television receiver and the remote control
section. Your troubleshooting skills will increase as you study this highly infmative video.
Ucando VT406 TV Part 3 Audio:
In one afternoon you will learn about common mono and stereo circuits found in typical
television receivers. Learning audio is quick and easy with this video. You will examine
the audio circuitry in a typical col TV then learn about multichannel TV sound. Leam about
the sound strip as you examine stereo circuitry SAP circuitry and professional channels.
This video begins at the mixer stage and concludes at the speaker. 57 min.
Ucando VT407 TV Part 4 AGC and Sync Circuits:
Leam about the sync circuits used in TV. Viewers of this video will learn how the video
IF carrier is transfmed into the NTSC composite video signal. A must f all consumer
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