COMSOL Multiphysics is a modeling
package for the simulation of any physical
process you can describe with partial
differential equations (PDEs). It features
state-of-the-art solvers that address
complex problems quickly and accurately,
while its intuitive structure is designed to
provide ease of use and flexibility.
You can easily model most phenomena
through predefined modeling templates.
Modifying these to specific applications is
possible through equation-based
modeling capabilities.
To deal with the increasing demand for
realistic representations of the world
around us, you can easily model systems
of coupled physics phenomena. COMSOL
Multiphysics provides a friendly, fast and
versatile environment for multiphysics
Fast results and unprecedented flexibility
make COMSOL Multiphysics the ideal
modeling and simulation software for
research, product development, and
The images are in .iso format cose its a
multi-os application
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