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SPSS SmartViewer 15.0 €15 buy download
You can easily make your results ready for electronic deployment using SmartViewer for Windows.

With electronic distribution, such as through the Web or over your organization's network, you can give your colleagues and customers the power to view, rearrange, pivot (rotate), format and print your output, including tables and charts.

SmartViewer for Windows gives you the flexibility to share SPSS report cubes, graphs and tables electronically while empowering your colleagues and customers to interact immediately with those results.

As an integral part of SPSS' report solution, SmartViewer is ideal for information consumers working remotely or offline without access to the Web, and who work with the reports you generate in SPSS Base. Or, for those users who need to save formatting changes to the report and share the revised report with others.

Use SmartViewer for: monthly sales reports, market research studies, program evaluation results, customer and employee satisfaction survey results, reports, tables, and charts of any type.

Download File Size:56.58 MB

SPSS SmartViewer 15.0
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